Section 129 of the Clean Air Act (CAA), “Solid Waste Combustion,” requires the EPA to adopt standards for solid waste incineration units. This includes sewage sludge incinerators (SSIs) located at wastewater treatment facilities. In 2011, the EPA put forth its final rule concerning SSI units and emission guidelines (see 40 CFR Part 60 Subparts LLLL and MMMM). The newly-established emission limits apply to not only mercury but also to particulate matter, HCl, CO, dioxins/furans, NOX, SO2, cadmium, lead, and fugitive emissions from ash handling.
SSIs combust dewatered sewage sludge to reduce sludge volume and disposal costs. APC Technologies offers proven, safe mercury emission control systems for both existing SSIs that must comply and new SSIs (‘new’ being those that commenced construction after 10/14/2010 or commenced modification after 9/21/2011).
APC’s MercPure Series mercury emission control systems are in operation at numerous WWTPs around the US. All of APC’s systems have easily complied with the new mercury emission limits, including the stricter emission limits for new SSIs (subpart LLLL). A few APC systems have demonstrated mercury removal efficiencies of 99.9% and better.
Due to APC’s design provisions and equipment features, none of APC’s MercPure Series systems have had any operational, maintenance, or other issues.
Additionally, APC’s mercury removal systems simultaneously control dioxins/furans emissions, lead emissions, cadmium emissions, and total particulate matter emissions with very high removal efficiency and demonstrate compliance for those regulated pollutants as well.
Case studies showing results for four of APC’s MercPure installations are provided in a 2017 WEFTEC Presentation and Paper.
APC’s MercPure Series mercury emission control systems for SSIs are tailored to site needs in each case. However, they generally include very high efficient particulate matter removal (even where a venturi scrubber and WESP are already in place), a gas reheat step, a system blower, an adsorption step using a long-proven specialty activated carbon, an auxiliary heater system if needed, system dampers where needed, instrumentation, and controls. APC’s activated carbon has had no operating problems at all at any of the SSI sites for years now, unlike other activated carbon systems, owing to APC’s carbon selection and system design. APC can further supply the system ductwork and stack if needed.
Please contact APC for more information on its MercPure Series mercury emission control systems.