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Ultra-High Efficiency Filter Systems for Oil and Other Condensed Fume Emissions

Tackle Oil and Mist Emissions with up to 99% Efficiency

When an effective solution is required for the control of oil mist, condensed hydrocarbon fumes, aerosols, overspray, and other condensed fumes including exhaust gas streams with submicron sized droplets, APC Technologies offers ultra-high efficiency filter systems to cost-effectively meet needs in a wide range of applications.

APC Technologies Ultra-High Efficiency Filter (UHF®) systems are ideally suited for oil mist control and other condensed fumes applications. These systems offer the advantages of lower capital, control efficiency of up to 99.9%, as well as substantially lower operating and maintenance costs. Our UHF® systems offer simultaneous high-efficiency removal of the oil/condensed fume aerosol and any solid particulate matter. Since this system eliminates plugging problems completely through automatic filter advancement, you can be assured of consistent air flow/process ventilation, no process downtime for filter replacement, and extremely low maintenance costs.

uhf filter

An UHF® System Success Story

PROBLEM – An automotive  parts manufacturer needed an emissions control solution to achieve compliance with state EPA regulations for visible emissions. The manufacturer was looking for a reliable, low-cost solution that would not require meaningful maintenance, but would provide sufficient elimination of oil mist and condensed hydrocarbons from their process.

SOLUTION – An APC UHF®system for 16,000 ACFM was installed to provide high-efficiency removal of the condensed particulate, a simple operation and extremely low maintenance.

RESULT – The UHF® system has met and exceeded the criteria for performance efficiency. It has been a cost-effective solution for the process emissions with zero stack opacity, has met all EPA requirements and has provide a further air emissions benefit for the plant by almost modestly reducing emissions of VOCs. Since the filter replacement can be done while the system and process are running, no downtime has been required for filter changes. The system also has a low pressure drop, so energy costs for the manufacturer have been low.

Interested in learning more about our UHF® system solutions? Contact the APC Technologies team to discuss your project!

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